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Find and click on your name.


Who lives where - select from the dropdown to find out.


•   Benjamin L. Brown  2020
•   Zachary Weiss  2021
•   Les Bass  2022
•   Harry Spellman  2016
•   Denise Armour (Robson)  2017
•   Marty Potashnick  2012
•   Leslie Goodwin (Buttitta)  2011
•   Sandra Yasutake (Conners)  2016
•   Kathryn Paps (Govas)  2022
•   Larry Scott  2018
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•   Sherry Gibson (Walker)  7/27
•   Brian Mann  7/28
•   Amy Lee (Gwilliam)  7/29
•   Mark Epstein  8/5
•   Margaret Harris (Fisher)  8/5
•   Thomas Egebrecht  8/15
•   Lisa Kleppel  8/17
•   Gary Rogak  8/18
•   Jeffrey Ainis  8/21
•   Jean Walton (Uptmor)  8/22
•   James Keighley  8/23
•   Lynn Maseman (Ashby)  8/26
•   Iris Sneider (Waichler)  8/26


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 24.6%

A:   285   Joined
B:   873   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the


ETHS Class of 1972 Official Website



To make it easier for us to collect the money, we're asking that payments be made using PayPal by following these instructions:

  1. Open the PayPal website (click here) or use your PayPal app on your phone
  2. Log into your account, then click on the "Send" button
  3. Enter the following email address:, then click Next
  4. Enter the amount of your payment
  5. In the "What's this payment for?" box, enter your name and "50th Reunion" then click Continue
  6. Under "Choose a payment type" click on "For friends and family" then click Continue (the option "For goods and services" would incur a fee so we don't use it)
  7. In the section marked "You're sending with...," make sure you are linked to a bank account (NOT a credit card). NOTE: Using a credit card results in us having to pay a fee to collect the money so, therefore, we cannot accept the payment.
  8. Click the "Send Payment Now" button.



Want to know who's attending our reunion events? Click on the links below (or in the left column) to see the list!

Friday Evening, 16-Sep-2022
Informal Meet & Greet


Saturday Morning, 17-Sep-2022


Saturday Evening, 17-Sep-2022
Semi-Formal Dinner/Dance



Follow these instructions:

Click on the "JOIN HERE" link found in the
upper-right area on the Home Page
(located under the "Sign In" link).

Scroll through the page to look for your name
in the "Missing Classmates" list.

If your name does not appear in the list,
click on the "Classmate Profiles" tab
and look for your name there.

If your name is not listed anywhere, please
use the "Contact Us" tab to let us know.

When you find your name, click on it.

Fill in all your contact information, birthdate, etc.
Click the link at the bottom to continue, then
complete the remaining sections based upon
your preferences.

Be sure to progress through all the questions
in order to finish your profile.

You have now completed your site registration! smiley

*We recommend that you click on the
"First Time Visitors" tab and read the information it
contains. It will help you to become better acquainted
with navigating our website.